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Tunnel Mucking Machine Disassembly Principle

Time: 2019-02-26       View:89        标签:

Tunnel Mucking Machine

Mucking Machine


There are a lot of mucking machines and dealers on the market, so it is not easy to transfer to a good mucking machine. In fact, mucking machine can work underground in addition to working in the mine. So what do you need to follow in order to work underground?

The tunnel mucking machine should follow the principle of “big” before dismounting, that is, try not to disassemble the machine too much. For some important bad installations (or install parts that are easy to make mistakes and easy to lose), Try not to disassemble. If you have to disassemble, you must save the parts and mark them.

There is also the tunnel mucking machine is composed of the hydraulic system and the circuit system of the mechanical part. Before choosing the slag machine, it is best to have a comprehensive understanding of the slag machine model, and select the matching tunnel according to the roadway size. The mucking machine model can fully exert its efficiency, fully consider the operation needs, and understand the configuration of the slag slag machine. The specific principles are as follows:

1. When installing the circuit equipment of the explosion-proof mining machine, be sure to find a professional to install.

2. When assembling the tunnel mucking machine, be sure to tighten the bolts at each position, and check if the gasket tension is suitable and meet the current actual requirements.

3. After the machine is installed, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive inspection of the whole machine to prevent unnecessary failures due to negligence.

4. When installing hydraulic components, pay attention to cleaning the hydraulic system to ensure its cleanliness and integrity. At the same time, check the sealing ring to ensure its integrity and avoid the entry of dust and slag and affect the service life of the machine.

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