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Safety Specification Of Crawler Mucking Loader

Time: 2020-02-08       View:68        标签:

Crawler Mucking Loader

Muck Rock Loader

Mucking Loader

The crawler mucking loader is also known as the excavator loader. The crawler mucking loader is a combination of a robot and a conveyor. The slag and conveyor loading functions are combined to generate power using an electro-hydraulic system. It has the advantages of safety, environmental protection and high rate. The Xiaobian crawler mucking loader's small series tells everyone about the daily security specifications.

(1) Daily inspection is a common and important item in the daily operation of the crawler mucking loader. It is a good habit to check at any time while driving or parking. So you can keep track of the car's condition of the crawler mucking loader. This type of inspection includes hydraulic system inspection and part inspection. The main thing is to check if the hydraulic press is working properly. Check if the lubricant needs to be added. Inspect the parts between the parts of the car body for defects or loss. If conditions occur, stop immediately to eliminate potential failure factors.

(2) Operation of the crawler mucking loader must be carried out by the driver and staff of the door. Staff members who are not related to work or have no relevant training qualifications are not allowed to operate without authorization. It is also strictly forbidden for anyone to approach the crawler mucking loader during the work of the crawler mucking loader to avoid accidents and accidents.

(3) Before the operation is completed or before getting on the work, the page should check whether each handle is in neutral. This is very important for the security operation of the crawler mucking loader.

(4) The daily operation of the crawler mucking loader should be as slow as possible, and the operation of the handle must be slowed down. Work should also be as stable as possible. If you find that the car is not working properly or is moving, you should stop it immediately.

Proficiency and mastery of the crawler mucking loader's safety practices can prevent accidents and potential hazards. It also increases the work rate of the crawler mucking loader and extends the life of the machine. The crawler mucking loader changed the semi-mechanized and intermittent slag shipments of the original construction and required a large amount of manual coordination of low-speed high-risk and high-cost states. Therefore, it is necessary to operate the crawler mucking loader on a daily basis.

Safety Specification Of Crawler Mucking Loader

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