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How To Reduce The Malfunction Of The Mini Mucking Loader Hydraulic System?

Date:2020-02-08     Label:

Mini Mucking Loader

Mucking Loader

mining Mucking Loader

The mini mucking loader is suitable for construction machinery and small-section diversion tunnels for tunnel excavation, mining engineering, hydraulic engineering, etc., and mine slag (mine) machinery. This machine is mainly used for some production operations with narrow space, small scale phosphate rock and metal. Gravel earth material collection and transportation loading and construction in non-explosive dangerous mines such as non-metallic mines.

The use of mini mucking loader hydraulic power is not sufficient, and the loss of power and power will lead to a reduction in the life of the hydraulic system and shorten the service life of the mini mucking loader. How to reduce the power loss of the hydraulic system, improve the working rate and service life of the mini mucking loader has become a headache for many mining companies and mini mucking loaders. Here's how to deal with this situation.

1. If the actuator requires speed, then when selecting this type of speed regulation circuit, it must meet the speed regulation requirements, and colleagues must also reduce the power loss. Common throttle, volume and throttling volume class speed control loops. Among them, the throttling speed control circuit has large power loss and good low speed stability. The volumetric speed control circuit has neither overflow loss nor throttling loss, and the rate is high, but the low speed stability is poor. If both requirements are met, a volumetric throttle circuit consisting of a differential pressure variable pump and a throttle valve can be used, and the pressure difference between the two throttle valves should be as small as possible to reduce the pressure loss.

2. Selection of hydraulic oil: As the main power source oil, hydraulic oil, because it flows in the pipeline for a long time, easily makes the hydraulic oil viscous, blocks the hydraulic oil pipe, and increases the resistance of hydraulic oil flow. This is not to say that you want to choose a thin oil, because too thin oil, it is easy to cause leakage, resulting in a lower system volume ratio. Therefore, when selecting hydraulic oil, oils with suitable viscosity and good viscosity are preferred.

How To Reduce The Malfunction Of The Mini Mucking Loader Hydraulic System?



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