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Wrong Cleaning Method Cause Unnecessary Damage To The Slag Machine

Time: 2020-07-18       View:0        标签:

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If the slag scraper is cleaned with mud, remember not to use the high-pressure water gun to directly flush, the wrong cleaning method will cause unnecessary damage to the slag scraper equipment. Today, lets take a look at the wheel slag scraper with the skilled person of the slag scraper manufacturer. The correct cleaning method after using the machine.

1. Clean up the exterior of the wheeled slag machine body. Finishing the body cleaning is the first step in finishing the scraper. Clean and non-polluting water sources should be used for cleaning to flush out vehicle tires, bodywork and other mud deposits. For the contaminants that have dried or adhered, you can use a cleaning agent or a bamboo pole to knock them off. At the same time pay attention to check whether the body oil, glass water or other parts need to be replaced.

2. Scrub the body of the wheel slag scraper. After finishing the exterior of the car body, the car body should be scrubbed with deerskin or dry rag in time to avoid moisture intruding into the car and causing short circuit, or car body decay in the morning.

3. Key parts are waterproof. In the entire process of cleaning the wheel slag scraper, pay attention to the lights, exhaust pipes, engine parts and any simple water in the body. Do not use water to clean directly. You can use a wet rag to scrub to avoid short circuits. The vehicle is damaged.

4. Dry naturally. In addition to the above points, drive the vehicle away from the cleaning address, place it in a cool and ventilated place, and let it dry naturally.

The above is the reason why high-pressure water guns cannot be used to directly flush the slag raking machine after use. Correctly cleaning the mud and pollutants of the slag scraper body can not only adhere to the external cleaning, but also effectively reduce the probability of vehicle failure and extend the service life of the machine.Wrong Cleaning Method Cause Unnecessary Damage To The Slag Machine

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