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How Is The Mucking Loader Maintained During The Winter?

Time: 2020-02-26       View:57        标签:

Mucking Loader

mine Mucking Loader

Mucking Loader mine Mucking Loader Over time, the weather is getting colder and colder. The temperature will usually affect the performance of the Mucking Loader. How to keep the Mucking Loader in the mining industry?

If the Mucking Loader works in a low temperature environment, it will not only reduce their service life, but also freeze the oil in the machine. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out a thorough inspection and maintenance of the Mucking Loader. So please remember the following points and it will be helpful to everyone.

Mucking Loader cleaning

The Mucking Loader's excavation arm is cleaned and inspected regularly, and during the cleaning process, individual parts are found to be worn, laying the foundation for further maintenance.

Maintenance of Mucking Loader parts

1. The maintenance of the brake system needs to check whether the brake fluid is sufficient, whether the oil-water separator and the anti-fouling switch are normal. For abnormal phenomena such as weakening of the brakes and deviation, it is necessary to make adjustments in time.

2. Check if the motor wiring of the battery is normal. In winter, the battery should be charged frequently, and the preheating device should be maintained and maintained.

How Is The Mucking Loader Maintained During The Winter?

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