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How To Maintain The Muck Machine In The Rain

Time: 2021-05-28       View:111        标签:

Tunnel Mucking Loader

Mining Mucking Loader

Mucking Loader

1.Clean in time.In case of heavy rain, it should be cleaned in time.

2.Painted surface.The acidic components in rainwater have a strong corrosive effect on the paint surface of the slag scraper, and will cause damage to the paint surface of the slag scraper over time. Therefore, in the rainy season, it is best to give the slag machine a paint finish. The simplest is waxing, and the longer and more effective is to seal the glaze. Regardless of the method, put on an invisible protective coat on the slag scraper to prevent the paint from fading and aging.

3.Chassis care.The chassis is the part closest to the ground and is particularly affected by road conditions. Generally, this part is most prone to rust and spots, and the wheel shell may even be loose and perforated. Therefore, we must pay attention to the cleaning and anti-rust treatment of the slag raking machine chassis, and do a chassis anti-rust treatment.

4.Ignition start.On rainy days, if the engine is not easy to start, sometimes even if it is reluctant to start, it is weak. This problem is most likely to be caused by the leakage of the ignition system due to moisture, thus losing the normal ignition function. Once it is found that poor ignition and engine performance degradation are caused by the humidity of the ignition system, it is best to wipe the inside and outside of the distribution board and the wires with a dry paper towel or dry cloth, and then spray the desiccant with a special desiccant spray can. Wait for a while to start the engine at the distributor cover, battery connector, line connector, high-voltage line, etc.

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