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Mucking Rock Loader Tire Temperature And Pressure

Date:2019-09-04     Label:

Mucking Rock Loader

Mucking Loader

Rock Loader

The tire temperature check during the mucking rock loader is often performed. In the case of mucking rock loader overspeed, overload, abnormal inflation, sudden braking, up and down ramps and corners, the mucking rock loader tread temperature is easy to rise, which will make the rubber soft, and the tire is prone to delamination. Or the shoulder "satisfaction" and other accidents. When the specified temperature is exceeded, it should be stopped to dissipate heat.

Keeping the mucking rock loader tires at normal inflation pressure, the inflation pressure above or below the rated value is detrimental to the life of the tire. The pressure is too low, the mucking rock loader tire has large deformation and large heat generation, which easily causes cracks in the side of the tire, thereby accelerating the fatigue fracture or delamination of the cord, leading to early damage of the tire; if the tire pressure is too high, the tread is increased. The contact pressure of the center causes excessive wear or slip of the crown, increases the degree of vehicle and deteriorates the cushioning performance, thereby increasing the wear rate of the bottom part of the vehicle. Check the pressure of the "cold tire" once a week. When the pressure differs from the specified value by 0.2 kg/cm, adjustment must be made. If the pressure drops by 0.7 kg/cm during the week, the mucking rock loader must be carefully checked. If necessary, remove the tires and send them for repair.

Mucking Rock Loader Tire Temperature And Pressure



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