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What Are The Differences Between Wheeled And Crawler Mucking Loader

Date:2024-06-20     Label:

mucking machine

tunnel mucking machine

crawler mucking loader

According to the different walking modes, tunnel mucking machine can be divided into two categories: wheeled mucking machine and crawler mucking loader. So what are the differences? Shandong mucking machine manufacturer shares with you.

A wheeled tunnel mucking machine is a device used for continuously loading block solid materials (such as stone slag and coal), with a conveying force of over 80m3 per hour for excavation and loading, especially suitable for slag discharge in small and medium-sized cross-sections of tunnels. At the same time, the wheel type tunnel mucking machine is driven by two 15 kW electric motors and one 23 kW diesel engine to operate the hydraulic system. The tunnel is free of dust pollution, and since it is driven by rubber wheels, there is no need for special treatment of the roadbed or laying tracks, which can adapt to poor excavation surfaces.

The crawler mucking loader adopts a fully hydraulic crawler structure and a unique backhoe system to scrape rocks (or ores). The rocks (or ores) are scraped into the middle scraper transport groove, and the scraper transport mechanism is used to transport the rocks (or ores) from the front to the rear connecting equipment (various mining cars, belt conveyors, cars, etc.). At the same time, the bucket of the crawler mucking loader can also be used to clean the working face. The chassis design of this equipment is based on the structural form of Komatsu excavator, using a hydraulic motor to drive the crawler walking mechanism. It has strong performance, strong climbing force, and flexible mobility, and can work in damp and waterlogged tunnels.

The technological content of crawler mucking machine is not higher than that of wheeled vehicles, but the walking mechanism and transmission system are much more complex than wheeled mucking machine. In addition, the driving loss of crawler mucking loader is much higher than that of wheeled tunnel mucking machine, so the procurement and operating costs are much higher.

When choosing a tunnel mucking machine, users should still match it according to their own usage location and choose the most suitable slag scraper for better operation.



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